
PhD, Adult Education, and Community Development

Ontario Institute for studies in Education of the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Dissertation Title: Toward A Conceptualization of Transnational Disability Theory and Praxis: Entry Point, Iraqi Chemical Attack on Iran

 Committee Members: Dr. Bonnie Burstow, Dr. Jamie Magnusson, and Dr. Ramin Farahmandpur; External Examiner: Dr. Nirmala Erevelles

                                                                                                                                 Sep2014-June 2018

M.A., Critical Disability Studies

School of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Health York University, Toronto, Canada

Major Research Paper (MRP) Title: Power in and Beyond Psychiatric Institutions: Social Relational and Antiracist Approaches

Committee Members: Dr. Rachel da Silva Gorman and Dr. Geoffrey Reaume

 Sep 2012-Sep2013

B.A. (Hon), Social Psychology, York University, Toronto, Canada

Undergraduate Thesis Title: Altruism and Gender

 Supervisor: Dr. Paul Kohn

Sep 2009-Aug2012

Diploma(credits transferred to a degree program at York University), Child and Youth Worker, George Brown College, Toronto, Canada


BSc, (disrupted due to forced migration) Pure Mathematics, International University of IK, Qazvin, Iran
